Training Choir

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Many beginning singers (boys and girls) accepted into the North Carolina Boys Choir and the North Carolina Girls Choir will spend time initially in the Training Choir.

This choir is a mixed choir in that it is for both girls and boys who are committing to developing their vocal skills and launching into a relationship with a performing choral organization. Participants in the Training Choir focus on developing good choral tone, proper breathing techniques for singing, notation reading, and beautiful unison singing. They venture into some two-part music and “partner songs” but primarily focus on building strong and healthy vocal technique while acquiring a love for choral music in this unique integrated arts program.

  • Training Choir rehearses on Saturdays, 9:00-10:00 AM.
  • Training choir tuition: $50 per month (or $200 per semester).
  • All children who love to sing are welcome, regardless of their families’ financial need.  To ensure our commitment to welcome all: need-based scholarships are available.